Playmobil Mystery Bags Review

My Review Of Playmobil Mystery Bags (blind bags)

Playmobil sets may be well-known to many parents and older fans but there is another type of product that you may not be as familiar with, the pink and blue “blind bags” that offer one of twelve mystery figures in each category. Playmobil claim to be going for the “pocket money market” but there is a lot more to these interesting figures than just their appealing price.

They are are clearly trying to compete with Lego with these simple, mysterious, pink and blue bags and they are succeeding for a number of reasons.

The Good

Starting with the positive aspects of this toy, it is safe to say that my kids absolutely love these figures because they are so fun to put together and offer so much opportunity for imaginative play; however, my own feelings as a parent are just as strong because I can also appreciate the high quality of these figurines and their low price means they are a cheap, simple treat that children can buy with their own allowance.

For the price of a cheap, made-in-China plastic toy, you can get an high quality Playmobil figurine that offers hours of play. And just in case you are wondering, Playmobil toys ARE NOT MADE IN CHINA! This is one of the reason why I always come back to Playmobil.

This quality is a great bonus but the biggest selling point for most kids has to be the surprise factor and the way that these toys become great collectibles. With so many on offer – and the potential of more characters in the future – your children are sure to love collecting them all and that thrilling moment when they earn a new mystery bag and tear into it to see who they have this time.

Yes, there is the chance that they will receive duplicates but these minor disappointments can be viewed in two ways: kids either have a blank canvas to play with and adapt with other parts or they can trade it with their friends for a missing character.

The Bad

Aside from the issue of duplicates, there are a few additional factors to consider that are slightly more negative.

You may have seen in other consumer reviews that parents have also criticized the building process of these little figures, stating that it is too difficult for children. I have to disagree in part with this because even though I too had a little difficulty with the hair piece, my six year old son is building his figures with ease.

My personal gripe with this product, which again comes down to personal preference, is the fact that gender neutrality has once again gone out the window; the blue bags are clearly aimed at the boys and the pink bags contain pink girly things for girls. Again, kids can trade as much as they wish, and my daughter is already preferring to play with her brother’s Playmobil, but it would nice it it wasn’t quite so stereotypical.

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Playmobil brings new life to an old favorite.

The Playmobil mystery bags offer a whole new dimension to the range by making them desirable collectibles for young kids as well as high quality toys and great stocking-stuffers this Christmas. They may lack a little imagination with the gender roles but, once they are out of the bag, the opportunities for imaginative play are endless.

Check all our Playmobil related posts here